Getting started

1 Do You Prescribe Xanax?

We currently do not prescribe Xanax for any new patients. However, we will certainly identify appropriate treatment to treat your condition.

2 Is consult covered by my health insurance?

This is a very common question which we will determine according to what insurance or medicare/medicaid plan you have. We are in the business of helping people, so don't allow this to be a factor to stop you seeking care.

3 Do you offer direct billing?

Yes, we offer direct billing. 

4 How do I know which therapy to pick?

After your first visit we will discuss an appropriate mutual treatment plan with you.

5 How long does a visit last?

Your first visit might be slightly longer but a follow up visit will be less.

6 How can I expedite my visit?

Check out our clinical forms area where you can find a number of different forms you can have pre-filled especially the Intake Form for new patients.

7 What to bring on my first appointment?
  • Your, and family, psychiatric history including all diagnoses and past treatments.
  • A complete list of medications, including current and past ones. Also bring the address for your preferred           pharmacy.
  • A list of current symptoms and concerns
  • Come prepared to answer questions that will help us determine the right treatment plan to help you.

Remember, that your first step towards seeking psychiatric help is critical for Mental Health & Freedom.
Here at Renaissance Psychiatry we everyone with the goal of mental well-being for All!